The Iceland women’s strike, 1975
24-October-women-strike.jpg A short history of the strike, or day off, by 90% of women in Iceland for equality with men on 24 October, 1975, written by Steven Johns. read more
View Article21st October: a day of general strike
sciopero-usb.jpg On 21 October, over 1.3 million workers took part in a general strike called by a number of base trade unions (USB, S.I. Cobas, Unicobas, Adl Cobas, Cub Lazio) and joined by many...
View ArticleOvambo migrant workers general strike for rights, Namibia: 1971-72
In the winter of 1971-72 the economy of South West Africa (Namibia) was shutdown by a general strike of contract labourers challenged the economic system emplaced by Apartheid South Africa. The strike...
View ArticleRiots in the Potteries in 1842
1842.jpg The Potteries represent the peak of the general strike of 1842. In addition to shutting down most mines mills and workshops in the area, groups of workers attacked and successfully toppled...
View ArticleThe general strike of 1842
1842-strike.jpg A detailed, full-length history of the UK Chartist general strike of 1842 against pay cuts and for universal male suffrage, by Mick Jenkins with an introduction by John Foster.
View ArticleTo escape Trump's America, we need to bring the militant labor tactics of...
Oakland-Gen-strike.jpg The last general strike in the US was in Oakland in 1946. That year there were 6 city-wide general strikes, plus nationwide strikes in steel, coal, and rail transport. More than...
View ArticleThe Chartiist Grand National Holiday: The General Strike of 1839
An article by Past Tense on the first attempted general strike called by the Chartist movement for August 1839. It also compares the ideas of the strikes main proponent, William Benbow with other...
View ArticleGrand National Holiday, and Congress of the Productive Classes: William Benbow
William_benbow_punch.JPG Published in 1832 this pamphlet is possibly the earliest published advocacy for a general strike as a means for dismantling inequality and the oppression of the ruling class....
View Article1961-62: Dominican General Strike Ends Dictatorship
529732909-struggle-for-freedom-dominican-republic-revolution-liberation.jpg In the aftermath of the assassination of the Dictator Trujillo a general strike was initiated to oust his remaining cronies....
View Article1920: Turin General Strike
Fotol1e.jpg The General Strike of 1920 in the city of Turin lead to workers occupying and running the factories themselves as part of an attempt to build a socialist society. Unfortunately, the...
View Article1950: Austrian General Strike
1280px-Austria_1945-55_svg.png In post war Austria the rivalry between the Communist party and the Social Democrats came to ahead in 1950 with the Communist party initiated strike call out. The strike...
View Article1905: Swedish Workers Threaten General Strike Against War With Norway
In 1905 the Union between Sweden and Norway unravelled. In response the Swedish right pushed war while the Swedish workers threatened a general strike to cripple the war effort. read more
View Article1974: Ethiopian General Strike
In 1974 the regime of Emperor Selassie was badly shaken, the student protests shut down the education system and there were mutinies in the army. In addition the Main Trade Union Confederation kicked...
View Article1907: Iranian General Strike
TabrizRevolutionaries.jpg During the instability of the Constitutional Revolution of 1907 Iranian workers launched a series of strikes to achieve reforms, particularly land redistribution, the right to...
View Article1947: Mombasa General Strike
In 1947 the city of Mombasa was paralysed by a general strike by its black African workforce in an attempt to end pay disparities, especially along colour lines. read more
View Article1944: El Salvador General Strike Brings Down Dictatorship
Hernandez_Martinez.jpg In 1944 El Salvadoran Dictator General Maximiliano Hernández Martínez had successfully crushed several armed revolts. But a General strike eventually forced him from power. read...
View Article1964: Sudanese General Strike
october revolution.jpg A general strike successfully defeated the ruling military Junta and temporarily halted a campaign of discrimination against the countries southern population. This event is...
View Article1919-21: Trinidadian General Strike
BLACK%20SOLDIERS.png Frustrations over racism and low wages lead to a series of strikes from 1919-21, involving every sector and most ethnic groups on the islands. read more
View Article1983-85: Bolivian Protests and Strikes Defeat President
bo03_03a.jpg In 1983 Bolivia elected a left wing president supported by a coalition of leftist parties and union federations. However the President priorities the paying of foreign debt and brought in...
View Article1922: Guayaquil General Strike
Guayaquil.jpg Workers in the southern Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil struck due to increased economic pressures. The strike brought the city to a halt and gained several concessions but the violence from...
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